Friday, June 28, 2013

Game Online Parampa 2

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Game Online Parampa 2
Parampa 2 is game online about quiz which is so interesting. This game can give you to feel confuse if you can not play and answer about question. This game is about test IQ. In this game, your task is to answer some questions. Every level it is different question and you have to solve the problem. You must answer all question in this game. You are given 3 opportunities. If you can not answer or your answer is wrong, your opportunies will be lost. If 3 opportunities is lost, this game is game over. I think this game is little difficult. You have to be carefull to play this game. You must think smart and speed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cara Install Game Kawai di Windows 7

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Cara Install Game Kawai di Windows 7
Apakah anda suka bermain Game Kawai? entah itu Kawai 2002, 2003, 2004, atau 2005. Kalau iya, berarti sama dengan saya. Saya juga suka sekali bermain game tersebut. Meski saya belum pernah mencapai finish sampai permainan selesai, saya sudah kalah terlebih dahulu. Memang saya akui game tersebut sangatlah sulit. Butuh kecepatan, ketelitian, dan juga tentunya pengalaman. Pada tahun 2010 yang lalu saya sering bermain game tersebut dengan menggunakan komputer saya. Kebetulan waktu itu saya masih menggunakan Windows XP. Game poke-poke, saya sering menyebut game dengan nama itu, itu bisa dimainkan dengan nyaman tanpa suatu halangan apapun. Karena mungkin Windows XP tersebut kompatibel dengan game tersebut.

Game Online Mario Castle Bowling

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Game Online Mario Castle Bowling
Mario Castle Bowling is a game online which is so simple. This game is published by Khmer MovieOnline at 9th May 2012. This game is categorized into flash online game. Size of this game is 1.03 mb. This game include sport game about bowling. In this game, you are as Mario. Your task is to knock down all the koopa pins and try to get the highest score to win. You can use your mouse in your computer to operate this game.

Game Online Suitcase Skyway

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Game Online Suitcase Skyway
Suitcase Skyway is a game online which is so interesting to be played. This game is categorized into flash online game. This game is published by Khmer MovieOnline at 28th October 2010. Size of this game is 96.56 Kb. This game is completed music effect and modern graphic. To play this game, it is so easy. You only need to throw suitcase wings to sky. The suitcase wings will work to collect some stars and fly through hoops. Your task is to move the suitcase wings to collect stars, so that your score will increase.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sitemap of Software Masakini's Blog

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Image by Weus
Software Masakini is a blog about free software download where it is managed by Taqorrub Ubaidillah from Indonesia. This blog is created on December 2010. In this blog, it focus on describing Games, Software, Antivirus, Multimedia, Tutorial and others where all softwares and games can be downloaded for free. This article and application software is obtained from some websites and it is presented in this blog which agrees with Webmaster Guideliness.
